Be prepared for your move!

Nobody wants to be in the middle of packing and/or moving only to find out that they don’t have enough of the materials needed. We have a fully stocked show room with boxes of just about any size and the packing tape to go with it. You will also find bubble wrap...

It’s important to label what you are packing.

It seems like such a simple yet daunting task, but it can help ease so much frustration. You can even have fun with it and color code items, write in a special style, or even use stickers. Have fun with whatever you are doing. As long as you know your system, you are...

Boxes, Boxes, Who’s Got The Boxes?

One of the hardest things to gauge when moving is to know how many boxes would be needed. This could be the guessing game of all time Hopefully this little tidbit can help. Of course everyone has different size items, but it’s great to have a starting point. You...

Be in the know!

When moving to a new place, whether it’s a new city, state, or country, there are many questions to consider: Logistics and Practicalities: Where will I live? Have I secured accommodation, whether it’s a rental or purchased property? What is the cost of...